ARP Update 10

Jul 18, 2022

Over the past few weeks, our ARP team has been working on the following:

  • Cemetery Road re-opened on Friday, July 1, 2022.
  • Removal of B27 decommissioned E5/E6 radiator fans is presently in progress with the removal of the fans and supporting structures being approximately 30% complete.
  • B26 (E1-E4) Powerhouse mechanical demolition of engines and auxiliaries is approximately 70% complete.
  • E2, E3, and E4 Engines have been disassembled and removed from B26 (E1-E4 Powerhouse) for disposal.
  • B6 (Old Power Station) demolition is in progress with the B6 superstructure and OPS radiator fans removal approximately 40% completed.
  • D2, D14 and D15 have been removed from B6 as demolition activities continue in the OPS area.

Upcoming works for the next 4 weeks are expected to include:

  • B9 (injector workshop) relocation preparations are in progress. The existing injector workshop will be relocated to B26 to facilitate the demolition of B9.
  • B7 (GEC building) demolition of switchgear and building will commence after B6 and B9’s demolition.
  • B26 (E1-E4 Powerhouse) mechanical demolition of engines and auxiliaries is approximately 60% completed.

    When demolition is occurring our neighbours and passersby may notice the following disturbances:

    • Demolition noise from the construction equipment, which will be mitigated by limiting work to daytime production hours only (ie. 7:00am to 4:00pm)
    • Localised airbourne dust, which will be mitigated by mist mechanisms and stockpile covers
    • Increased truck traffic along Cemetery Road to remove building materials and engine components, which will be mitigated by flag men while trucks enter and exit the demolition site.

    Project safety signage and project barriers are in place surrounding all demolition and work/project areas. All project areas are limited to the BELCO Serpentine Road campus only.

    We ask our neighbours, passersby and campus visitors/guests to observe all safety signage and to not enter or attempt to enter any marked project areas in order to protect the safety of everyone.

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